Introducing the Miracle Bed for Better Sleep
Unwind Sleep Bed: The Secret Mattress for a Restful Night
Are you having trouble sleeping? Chances are… you’ve been laying your back on a Fiberglass-filled bed, where it cuts through, and causes the fiberglass to split up into smaller pieces. This allows the fiberglass to move out of the mattress, which leads to skin irritation and respiratory damage over time. Now with Unwind’s Sleep Bed state-of-the-art fire retardant fabric with no fiberglass, you can sleep with ease!
With Unwind’s added breakthrough features such as the advanced comfort Visco Elastic foams, HQ core layer foam, and a patented High Rebound Relax Foam, you can be sure to feel relaxed at the comfort of your own home. Unlike other products, our foams contain no carcinogens, or other hazardous chemicals. Instead, we use CertiPure certified foam, the ideal fabric that provides extraordinary comfort levels so you can experience deep sleep to pave the way for a more enjoyable “next day”—at home or at work.
With our unique Snip-Bit Memory Foam, we supply a mixture of premium variable cut foams. This provides you with a sensational cooling effect to help combat insomnia.
The Unwind pillow allows you to customize your fit so you don’t have to worry about sampling pillow after pillow. In other words, you’ll save time and stress that comes from trying to find the perfect fit. Beyond that, you’ll save money by choosing ONE single pillow that has an all-in-one feature. Imagine how many pillows you would need to buy just to find the right fit!
We are so sure you'll love our products, we'll give you 101 Nights Trial to try them out. What's more, the trial period won't start until you receive your purchase. If you're not fully satisfied you can return it.